After the drama of the night before, we had a great night's sleep at the Railway Hotel in Peterborough and woke at 0630 hours to beautiful sun on the magnificent sandstone buildings of SA and a hearty brekkie of bacon (almost a whole porker!) and eggs and then off .....on the road again!
Back of Railway pub. Been in operation since 1869.
Our motel accomm at the back of the pub.We opted for this as opposed to wending our way up the stairs of the pub with heavy bags. Don't ya just love these buildings. Love the mural on the cabinet makers.
As you can see, my knitting improves - slightly. This was our last square for the trip. We have done 9. Now I have a challenge from Claire to keep going!We had a great trek back and covered 10+ hours of driving today. It was great to see green fields after all the scrub lands and sage brush, but it was also a reminder that the journey was coming to and end....and back to the workaday week soon.
As we trekked through the environs of Peterborough and down to Burra, we came across the big wind farms in SA. Very impressive and they are still putting more up.
We finally got into Lake Boga late afternoon and enjoyed seeing water again. It was interesting that as we progressed further into the Victorian landscape, how everything started to become closer together - farms, towns, scenery and all changing rapidly in a small space.
As we got to Kerang, we noticed that the sky started to look very "gliding-like! The streeting had started and it looked like familiar skies.
We had decided from Swan Hill that we could get to Benalla, albeit driving at night. But it was familiar territory and we just wanted to get home. Great run home and we gave a queenly wave as we arrived into BLA and headed for the airfield. Park VH-GLP. Said "good riddance" and Good Luck Justin! Will let him know it has arrived safely and it's now all his!
To my erstwhile skeptical mechanics at Euromotorsport - Myrtle the Merc made it - and never missed a beat the whole way. What a gal! There is still life in her yet. She is now due for a service as I note that after two weeks of solid driving, the oil is starting to look a little black! She was serviced before I went and is now due after two weeks for another one!
And to finish off the blog for this trip, please note the wonderful work that Claire and I did. Mainly Claire! Mine was a little erratic, but we got there in the end. Some lucky person will get a very colourful blanket when it is all finished. (Errr,I start on the red and yellow wool when I get home; Claire will be checking!
And many thanks to Claire for being my travelling buddy; it made the long journey much shorter and we had a lot of laughs along the way.
See you next trip.....whatever that may be!!!
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