Sunday, 31 July 2016

We've arrived Beverley....and we've left Beverley

Too stuffed yesterday to blog!
Thought I would post some more whales from the Yalata Centre where the Southern Right Whales come into breed. You can see the spume bubble trails where they move around and come close to the coastline.
Yalata Centre:
Courtesy of Yalata Centre
Courtesy of Yalata Centre

And the magnificent coastline and sand dunes that shift 11 metres each year.
This country is a vast landscape and it is awe-inspiring to view its magnificence.
From as far as the eye can see, there is nothing but salt bush and sage brush.  Not a tree to be had.

To while away the time, my knitting has improved.  Claire does throw a curly one now and again, but chucking in another random colour that somehow has to be weaved into the pattern!  Moving on to advanced classes now.....
Anyhoooo, after the joys of Coolgardie, we left early and headed to Beverley, WA.
 We travelled via Norseman and picked up a couple of "roo sounders!" These are little gizmos that you attached to the bumper that give off a high pitched sound, that mere humans can't hear, but is supposed to put the little blighters off and they head away from the road.  (I hope!)

Coolgardie is lovely and we took a couple of snaps of the beautiful architecture of this old gold town. They have 2 licences for grog in the town - one for the pub and one for the motel.  The second pub can't get a licence to serve alcohol until the town's population grows! Hmmm, that's a little bit of a conundrum...
Also, the amount of trucks that come through Coolgardie in the night is extraordinary.  The new Caltex servo is getting quite a bit of business, but the layout does not cater for caravans and glider trailers. They have the bowsers facing into the shop!  Great if you only have a car, absolutely no good with a long load.  The truck area is only diesel, so we mere mortals that use petroleum are stumped. I managed to use the end bowser, but it was tricky to manoeuvre to make sure I didn't take out the pump with the back of the trailer.  Why do they lay out servos like this?  Note to self, write to BP, Caltex and Shell.......

We travelled via Merredin, Bruce Rock, Quairading, (pronounced Quwhereding to those not in the me! Sounds like something from Hogwarts!) Mawson to Beverley.  Just a little cross country trek - the short route. 

Just ask me about Bruce Rock....and the kitty kat.  This only happens to me.  Why, why??!!
Get out of car for a pitstop.  I hear a kitty meowing loudly, so I meow back....a few times. Next minute, le puss is running across the road to me.  At this stage, methinks I have found a stray! Damn!  Run into road and shoo it away. Nup, that doesn't work. Pick up puss and deposit back behind local pub.  Nup, that doesn't work. Back to following me. Pick up puss and go to local food shop and ask who owns puss.  Nup, they don't know.  Stride back to pub and ask who owns puss. Nup, they don't know.  Decide to deposit puss in the park.  Can't do that as there is a motorhome there and they will think I am dumping said puss. Damn!  Stride to local gardens, and put puss in gardens ....... and run with instructions to Claire to fire up the car as I leap in!  Glance back and puss is looking at me as if to say....mum where are you going?!  Now I feel guilty!
Head on through to Beverley and the Canola or Rapeseed crops are stunning and a relief on the eyesight from khaki salt bush.
We also passed Lake Cowan - no water, lots of mud, but very scenic!

So here we are on 31 July having arrived at Beverley in WA and dropped off the glider at Beverley Soaring Society and met up with new owner John and some of the Beverley crew.

Check out LS6 trailer. Not happy Jan.  Owen did a great job in getting the new tyres sorted out that morning and arranging a suitable conversion from a Nato? 7 pin plug to a 5 pin plug. Go figure - only in WA.  Federation was in 1901, but we are still using different plug fittings - well, in WA anyway!

LS6 trailer is not in the best condition. The towing assembly was in need of a good oiling and was profusely sabotaged with WD40 and will continue to be so until delivery. On the journey back to Norseman today the brake assembly that keeps the brake from bashing backward and forward into the tow ball, broke! Yep, snapped on the journey. So that will make for painful driving.  Claire and I will sort this out in the morning. I am always at a loss as to why glider pilots spend literally thousands of dollars on their gliders and leave their trailers in such shit condition. Oh yes, and finally did work out how to get the tow hook off the tow ball.  There is a knack!  Albeit discovered whilst learning a new vocabulary!

Moving on back to the evening of 31st July.  Had a great dinner at the Beverley Hotel where Claire and I stayed. Such a grand ol' dame.  Needs a little (lot) of love, but great atmosphere, very clean and pub owner very accommodating.  The meal in the evening was absolutely delicious.....and the double choc die for!

We had an early brekkie this morning and headed off.  All good we think. Cruising along to Merredin when we get a phone call from John who is missing a box of goodies.  Shite! And double shite!
We have pulled up outside the Carradin Hotel/Motel/Caravan Park and we discuss the best options. Claire and I were ready to turn around, but the guys from Beverley suggested to leave the box at the Hotel and John would scoot down and pick it up.  Very important yellow box.  Has all the manuals, batteries and chargers for the glider!  Double shite!  People at the Hotel very accommodating and we left with them for John to pick up.  As it took us 2 hours to get there at 110 kms, we expected John would make it in 1.5 hours.  This was at 1030 hours.  We arrived into Coolgardie at 1300 hours.  I had not heard from John and had left a text and phone message to see if all was well.  Starting to have a mildly anxious panic attack that said yellow box had gone missing and was prepared to curl up in the foetal position and fade into oblivion, I called again and John had just arrived at Carradin and taken possession of "the box". We checked that everything was there and all was good, before we headed on and John made tracks to Perth.  Many apologies were expressed on my behalf.  In the dither of getting everything out of the car, then repacking with the LS6 gear and then fiddling with the LS6 shitty trailer, the yellow box was buried under a mound of stuff still in my car.  Very distressing. :-(

We chugged on through and whilst in mobile range decided to book a room at Norseman for the night.  No late night arrivals and just scooting in at dark anymore.  The time difference is now against us and we will have to be careful of when we arrive as the time change will catch us out.  So called the Gateway Caravan Park to book a cabin.  Phone was answered by "hello?"  I asked if this was the Gateway and the reply was, "oh yes, Gateway Caravan Park!"  Alarm bell number 1.  Said name and what room was required and details of trailer so that it could be stored away.  Yes. All good - hesitantly.  Alarm bell number 2.  Chugging down the road about 10 minutes and receive a call - just in mobile range - that "no sorry, we don't have a room. I have just checked spreadsheet number 2 and all rooms are booked!"  Grrr. Head back to Coolgardie to get internet reception, other
wise out with Satphone again. Got a booking with the Norseman Travel Village. Great room and my RACV discount, which ended up being $30 less in a lovely room as opposed to a rather ordinary cabin. I say ordinary, because the Gateway is right next door to the Norseman Travel Village and you can see the cabins over the fence! 

Had a lovely dinner with another couple travelling across the Nullabor and we will probably wave as we pass them tomorrow.....yes, grey nomads doing the prerequisite 95 kms, holding up the traffic.  I have now found out saves on fuel!  OMG....OMG!!!
So there we are.....on the road again and heading home.  Already booked into Madura Roadhouse and then we will start the trek to Ceduna.  One good thing, the trailer is lighter than the Nimbus, so we travel better on the road.

Friday, 29 July 2016

PSSO, Whales and Wave.....

Well, finally back on line!  After Ceduna, that was the end of internet access!
Ceduna was great and can't say enough about the Big 4 chain and the seafood at the Foreshore Hotel was just magnifi-yummy. Thanks John Welsh for the tip!  

Thursday 28th July
Left Ceduna at crack of dawn and headed off as we wanted to spend some time at the Head of Bight to see the Southern Right Whales with their calves as they rest here before returning to the Southern Ocean later in the year. What an experience to see these magnificent creatures up so close into shore and to see the calves frolicking and learning to show off their flutes.  There are currently 141 whales in Head of Bight and we saw at least 20 of them up close.  The kids who came with their parents were squealing with delight and yelling "look mum - whales!!"
You may well ask Claire about this photo!!
Claire did most of the driving today whilst I perfected my non-existent knitting skills making quilt squares for charity rugs.  Claire advised I was "honing" my skills. So what is PSSO?  You may well ask!  Pass Slip Stitch there! 
Stopped at Border Village for the night and caught up on the essential domestics and just enjoyed a very unfamiliar feeling - sunshine!  Yes, finally wearing t-shirts for the first time.  (Sorry for those in Melbourne suffering with the cold, rain, grey skies.....blah, blah, blah)
Very small room - We are still trying to work out how they got a single and double bed into the room and managed to charge $125 a night for it!  I guess the sewerage smell at the back of the unit was an added bonus :-((
Petrol now getting quite expensive with $1.95 per litre the dearest so far.  Not as bad as Northern Territory which gets up to $2.21 per litre, but still "throat catching"!

Friday, 29th July
The long, long trail awinding...... We head off early for a long day's travel in the "never never" of sage brush, salt bush and red dirt. It's a long road but interesting to see where the RFDS lands on the highway.  Would love to see that on the way home!
Our trek today was Border Village / Madura / Caiguna / Balladonia / Norseman / Coolgardie.
We saw another glider pilot on the road with his trailer on behind and there was much waving and flashing of headlights!

When leaving Norseman, we saw the most magnificent wave forming and wanted to get out the Nimbus and go exploring.....pity, no tug for launch!!

Finally arrived at Coolgardie - and just in time!  We arrived at 5.15 pm as it was getting dusk, which makes me nervous with kangaroos come out around this time.  I could just see us making a 670 kms drive across the Nullabor and hitting a kangaroo 6 kms out from Coolgardie!  But we managed to scoot in just as the sun dipped below the horizon.  And there really is no dusk - it goes from shady to dark in an instant!

Arrived at the caravan park to be met with Harry Alzheimer. Sheesh!  We used the satellite phone to call from Caiguna to book a cabin in Coolgardie to make sure that we got accommodation.  Harry took the call after some long ring tones. He answered and I asked for a cabin with 2 bedrooms.  He said he wasn't in the office but that would probably be OK. (First little niggle crossed my mind!) Then I asked price. Yes that was OK and then he repeated my name and when would we arrive. I advised arrival and also that he would be able to accommodate 32 ft glider trailer. Yes, all OK. 
We arrive into Coolgardie.   Find caravan park. Enter establishment.  Ask after our booking with the name of the caravan park (which is not the same as in the travel books (Second niggle crossed my mind!).  No, Harry doesn't recall the booking or the phone conversation. No, he didn't get a call today.
So we refreshed his memory about the call, and checked our address and correct phone number.
Ah ha!  Yes, Harry remembers a Mrs.Drew and oh yes, the glider trailer!  BUT, he now doesn't have cabins with two bedrooms, but has one with a single and double bed. Yes, that will do we advise. Then Harry says he has booked the cabin to another chap and "what was he going to do and what would he tell him?!"  I ask, "who booked first? Me or him?" Harry says me.  I say "first in first served. I booked first, I get room. Job done!"  Not my problem. Harry Altzheimer's problem.  Anyway, there were 2 other vacant cabins next to us. I think Harry needs to retire.
Had a lovely meal at the pub and Claire (friendly as ever) asks the pub manager if Harry has some memory issues, to which pub manager laughs and says with a glint in her eye "what makes you ask that?!"

On the road again tomorrow and should be there by lunch time.  Look forward to seeing everyone...and that glass of red, John!

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

At last.....the open road!

Left Port Augusta this morning at a respectable 0900 hours. Had a little sleep in as the day before was soooo long and exhausting, especially in the rain.

Our motel, Acacia Ridge, accommodated the trailer beauuuutifullyand we have pride of place in the courtyard as there was nowhere else to put it!!  As we headed off this morning, the only way out was to back it out of the driveway with Claire directing traffic.  I had an audience of women who were very impressed to see a woman backing such a long trailer.  ('s much easier, the longer the trailer!)

So, zipped out to Beaurepaires to see if we can get that illusive spare tyre....Nup, not happening.  So head on out on the trek to Ceduna.  Get 5 minutes out of town and realise that I have not filled up with fuel!  What a townie!  Head back to Pt. Augusta.....doh.  Find fuel stop next to Big 4 and then hit the road - and my head.
Soooo, in the words of the song by Willie Nelson....."on the road again, I can't wait to get on the road again...."

We had decided not to do a big trek today and do 498 clicks to Ceduna and have a bit of a rest and relax before hitting the long, open road over the Nullabor.  BUT... we still intend to have a look at the whales at Head of Bight!

We had a great drive through to Ceduna and finally.....yes, finally got a spare tyre at Kimba! Little bit of jiggery pokery with a 14" rim and a low profile tyre, but it will do the trick if spare is needed.
We lunched at Kimba and a pilot approached us and asked if it was a glider in the trailer.  Yup, sure is and we proceeded to have little aviation chats whilst awaiting service.
Claire was finally able to oust me out of the driver's seat and took over the reins and relegated the knitting to the back Claire has advised, "it was only a half square day today!"

We trekked along nicely and with a few stops for petrol and snacks and lot of Aussie finger waving from fellow travellers, grey nomads and local "cockies" (farmers to those from o/s!)

Arrived into Ceduna at a respectable hour having phoned ahead for a cabin; after yesterday's experience of not getting one! Very accommodating again at the Big 4 (and I am a member) and they give a great discount for members. Cost is minimal and the savings certainly pay for themselves. The owners gave us a great cabin with a perfect spot for the trailer and even blocked out the spot in front so that we would have plenty of room to drive out in the morning. They asked to take photos for their Facebook page (of course!) and we may be found on Big 4 Ceduna's site! :-)

And what can I say...we were met by a "gaggle of glider pilots" in the caravan park!  Ya just never know! Yes, a german lady approached us, nay, ran to us, asking what type of glider was in the trailer and that she and her husband had stopped in for a couple of days and flown in Benalla some years ago. He owned a Ximango and has had 2-3 sorties out over the Morning Glory, with the last one seeing his plane destroyed as he had an engine fire.  Nasty!

We also met a pommie gent - now lobotomied to an Aussie, who knows Richard Cotton very well. Let you think on that one Richard.  He flies at a winch club south of Sydney...Stonefield ring a bell?
So we chatted "glider stuff" and it was fun to catch up with other gliding people on our trip. That trailer says it all.....well it does say on the back "Long Load, Glider Trailer!"

A few more pics of the scenery - so green from the rain and then off to dinner....seafood, wethinks!

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Rain, rain and more rain....

Mildura was a cracking, crispy morning with sun shining and methoughts...ah ha, at last sun, sand and the Murray River!
After a short walk around the caravan park, I discovered a Bob Jane T-Mart at the back of the park, so toddled off there as the first stop to see if we can get a spare tyre for the trailer - nup!  But they did measure the tyre and gave me the info and as it is an unusual size - old Ford rim, which they did not have in stock. They can order, but would not appear for a couple of days and said to try in Pt Augusta as they have a big warehouse there.  OK!  Found another small tyre place in Waikerie and he also measured the tyre again, confirmed it was an old sized rim, didn't have one and suggested a wreckers or old tyre yard.  Happy that we had all new tyres though and a repair kit.

Toddled off and wondered why my neck was cold.  Discovered the back window was open and my jacket was slowly disappearing to the roadway.  Stop and check the window and could not get the electric window button to work.....shite!  Lightning thought - try back seat window button. The brain obviously is a little slow in the handbag was sitting on the window button, so of course it would not work. :-((  Is this the hint of things to come?

We head off to Burra heritage township which will take us to Spalding and Crystal Brook.  Fill with fuel and check oil as oil light has come on. The local gent who owns the petrol station then advises not to turn the trailer around, but go 8 kms down the road, right at the roundabout, turn left at the T-intersection and you are back on the road to Crystal Brook..........not quite!  Yes, a "back road" to Crystal Brook, not back on the road to Crystal Brook.  So wending and winding our way to Truro and then have to go to Clare to get to the highway.  I did not want to go this way!  Shite!  As it was a very winding road, it slowed our progress albeit there was no traffic, so we were not slowed down in that respect but a small road. Not happy.

Before leaving Burra, Vivski decided to recheck the map and took off down the road, unaware that Claire had put her coffee on the dashboard; not good as the dashboard sloped downwards, hence coffee all over Claire, all over the dash, all over the paperwork - hilarious!

What can I say about the weather!  A lot!!  Started out as a good day and deteriorated rapidly.  From spot showers to absolute downpours and coming finally into Port Augusta, was almost torrential in spots. Didn't feel it was fair on Claire to hand over the driving in such conditions as the car is not familiar to her and I was very happy to finally see a signpost that said "Port Augusta"!  As we had led such a merry trailer dance over half of South Australia(!), Pidge did advise, as every homing pigeon should, that we were really on the road to Port Augusta - trust her, she's a glider pilot!!

Before arriving on the right road to Port Augusta, we went through Gladstone and arrived at a rail crossing that was flashing and with railway bogies all linked up across the tracks from end to end.  Waiting, waiting, waiting and wondered how long we would wait.  Whilst wondering, I did notice in the rear mirrors that locals were deviating down another road and decided to back up as one of those roads had said to Crystal Brook.
Just before backing up, a lovely local lady pulled up beside me and told me that the track could be out of action for an hour to an hour and a half!  Yikes, just what I didn't want as we would be travelling in the dark - no way!
So backed up the trailer and this lovely lady guided us out through the back of town to another road that would get us onto the main road to Pt Augusta.  What a fantastic example of country hospitality and care. Thank you so much!

Finally on the main road to Port Augusta and arrived at 17.30 SA time (thank god for winding the clock back half an hour!)

Arrived into the Big 4, not ringing beforehand, and because of so many contractors in town, there were no cabins. Yikes!  Claire and I just looked at each other and thought - Uh Oh!  The kind staff at the Big 4 rang around a couple of motels (all caravan parks booked out) and the motel next door had a room and could also take the trailer - how about that!  So glad to be in the room.  Went and got some Indian food, a bottle of wine and to work on the blog and watch Masterchef grand final.  So nice to rest and a smaller journey tomorrow.

Next leg....onward and upward! 

Rain, rain and more rain....

Mildura was a cracking, crispy morning with sun shining and methoughts...ah ha, at last sun, sand and the Murray River!
After a short walk around the caravan park, I discovered a Bob Jane T-Mart at the back of the park, so toddled off there as the first stop to see if we can get a spare tyre for the trailer - nup!  But they did measure the tyre and gave me the info and as it is an unusual size - old Ford rim, which they did not have in stock. They can order, but would not appear for a couple of days and said to try in Pt Augusta as they have a big warehouse there.  OK!  Found another small tyre place in Waikerie and he also measured the tyre again, confirmed it was an old sized rim, didn't have one and suggested a wreckers or old tyre yard.  Happy that we had all new tyres though and a repair kit.

Toddled off and wondered why my neck was cold.  Discovered the back window was open and my jacket was slowly disappearing to the roadway.  Stop and check the window and could not get the electric window button to work.....shite!  Lightning thought - try back seat window button. The brain obviously is a little slow in the handbag was sitting on the window button, so of course it would not work. :-((  Is this the hint of things to come?

We head off to Burra heritage township which will take us to Spalding and Crystal Brook.  Fill with fuel and check oil as oil light has come on. The local gent who owns the petrol station then advises not to turn the trailer around, but go 8 kms down the road, right at the roundabout, turn left at the T-intersection and you are back on the road to Crystal Brook..........not quite!  Yes, a "back road" to Crystal Brook, not back on the road to Crystal Brook.  So wending and winding our way to Truro and then have to go to Clare to get to the highway.  I did not want to go this way!  Shite!  As it was a very winding road, it slowed our progress albeit there was no traffic, so we were not slowed down in that respect but a small road. Not happy.

Before leaving Burra, Vivski decided to recheck the map and took off down the road, unaware that Claire had put her coffee on the dashboard; not good as the dashboard sloped downwards, hence coffee all over Claire, all over the dash, all over the paperwork - hilarious!

What can I say about the weather!  A lot!!  Started out as a good day and deteriorated rapidly.  From spot showers to absolute downpours and coming finally into Port Augusta, was almost torrential in spots. Didn't feel it was fair on Claire to hand over the driving in such conditions as the car is not familiar to her and I was very happy to finally see a signpost that said "Port Augusta"!  As we had led such a merry trailer dance over half of South Australia(!), Pidge did advise, as every homing pigeon should, that we were really on the road to Port Augusta - trust her, she's a glider pilot!!

Before arriving on the right road to Port Augusta, we went through Gladstone and arrived at a rail crossing that was flashing and with railway bogies all linked up across the tracks from end to end.  Waiting, waiting, waiting and wondered how long we would wait.  Whilst wondering, I did notice in the rear mirrors that locals were deviating down another road and decided to back up as one of those roads had said to Crystal Brook.
Just before backing up, a lovely local lady pulled up beside me and told me that the track could be out of action for an hour to an hour and a half!  Yikes, just what I didn't want as we would be travelling in the dark - no way!
So backed up the trailer and this lovely lady guided us out through the back of town to another road that would get us onto the main road to Pt Augusta.  What a fantastic example of country hospitality and care. Thank you so much!

Finally on the main road to Port Augusta and arrived at 17.30 SA time (thank god for winding the clock back half an hour!)

Arrived into the Big 4, not ringing beforehand, and because of so many contractors in town, there were no cabins. Yikes!  Claire and I just looked at each other and thought - Uh Oh!  The kind staff at the Big 4 rang around a couple of motels (all caravan parks booked out) and the motel next door had a room and could also take the trailer - how about that!  So glad to be in the room.  Went and got some Indian food, a bottle of wine and to work on the blog and watch Masterchef grand final.  So nice to rest and a smaller journey tomorrow.

Next leg....onward and upward! 

Monday, 25 July 2016

Road Warriors, the Finger and the Roll!

Vivski says.....
Rocked off at 0830 after wallowing in the mud hole of my caravan driveway.  Note to self - need to take photo of that one - ghastly!  Sucked in the mud just trying to get out of the driveway. Picked up Claire and on the road. 

We are "road warriors"! No doubt about it.  531.50 kms today with a clear run to Mildura. Slight change of route.....errrr, we were travelling via Swan Hill.....errr, missed turn off so headed along Midland Highway to the West and headed to Bendigo and then up the Calder Highway to Mildura. Proved to be a good move, as the traffic was very light and we made good time.  We stopped off at Stanhope Bakery for morning tea and then Wedderburn for lunch. Very pleasant stops and good parking with the glider trailer on the back. It is 32 foot long, so have too look for areas to park and service stations that are drive-throughs that don't face into the shop. Such bad layouts sometimes from roadside servos that can't accommodate a large swing area.  Good old country towns have it just right! 

Yes, we got "the finger" finally today!  The good old Aussie single finger recognition from the steering wheel by the local farmer.  Love it!  It's now time to reciprocate on the next leg to Port Augusta.

We booked in to the Big4 Getaway Tourist Park in Mildura whilst on the road and they were great. We arrived and they were waiting for us and gave us a two bedroom cabin with a separate storage space for the glider at no extra charge.  Great service!!  We even had two ladies ask us if there was an aeroplane in "that trailer" to which we replied, "yes, absolutely"!!  She has obviously seen a glider trailer or two around Sunraysia!

To the "Roll!"  Claire fell out the steps of the cabin.....yes, fell out the steps of the cabin.  Did a classic backfoot to the tables and chairs and then the most magnificent roll onto her back, with legs in the air, arse up, and then recovered beautifully to a standing start to the car!  We will endeavour a photo for the next blog!

Relaxing in the cabin, watching Masterchef and just about ready for bed for me......

Claire says.....
No! I was not under the influence. Will reconsider a re-run of my tumble.  May have a flair for a "stunt person"  Have enjoyed the day, looking forward to tomorrow.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Almost underway.......

Tomorrow is the big day that Claire and I set off for Beverley to deliver VH-MMD to its new owner!

Had some concerns about the wheel bearings, so asked Pete M if he could take the trailer to Beaurepaires and have them check it out. Due to being a bit extra-unordinary over the last few weeks, the stress of arriving and having to run around on Saturday to get final things done, did my head in. So Pete arranged for a friend of his to have a look at the wheel bearings.....dry as a "witches tit" (exact words!)  Wouldn't have made 200 kms before seizing up. That would have put a nasty kyboche on the whole exercise. So after much greasing, greasing and more greasing of four wheels, all done and ready to roll. 

Arrived at BLA to find the airfield saturated with rain and veritable "swimming pools" in front of the hangars. Decided to just pack up the car with all the boxes of the Nimbus' gear and check everything out whilst the trailer was in the hangar and see if the water would subside by Sunday. All the tow gear has to go in the car as there are no lock mechanisms for the gear in the front storage box, so a little bit hazardous to have floating bits of metal in the trailer!

Trailer checked spare tyre!  Resultant investigation and they are an old holden rim of 13" diameter. Bugger!  Will check out Beaurepaires and if no chance, will look at a few old car yards along the way. Tyres are all new though and have a repair kit and dual axle, so cross fingers.  The car is another matter.  What a nightmare just to get the spare out from under the car.  Use a screwdriver to unhitch the clamps (maybe difficult if mud and muck....grrr), then flick the latch at the front near the rear bumper (maybe difficult as very tight....grrr) then turn a screw mechanism 1.5 turns counter clockwise (need spanner....grrr) then it should (optimal word) should just slide out and down.  The video also said....good luck getting it back up!  Oh and by the way, the replaced tyre cannot go back in the slider carrier as it has to be fully deflated!  Mercedes, really??!! Obviously, they don't think their brand will ever have a flat tyre!!  Mercedes, really??!!  Claire maybe putting out a shapely leg to flag down a passing truck driver, whilst I swear and curse under the car....grrr.

Bit of help required by Rob Brown and Bruce Salter to pull open the back door of erstwhile trailer...note to self, "Self, you need to do more weight work on the biceps"!  Anyhoooo, finally door opened and played with and relocked and await the Sunday morn to head off into the "wilds of Victoria!" First stop Mildura!