Thought I would post some more whales from the Yalata Centre where the Southern Right Whales come into breed. You can see the spume bubble trails where they move around and come close to the coastline.
Yalata Centre:
Courtesy of Yalata Centre
Courtesy of Yalata Centre
And the magnificent coastline and sand dunes that shift 11 metres each year.
This country is a vast landscape and it is awe-inspiring to view its magnificence.
From as far as the eye can see, there is nothing but salt bush and sage brush. Not a tree to be had.
To while away the time, my knitting has improved. Claire does throw a curly one now and again, but chucking in another random colour that somehow has to be weaved into the pattern! Moving on to advanced classes now.....
Anyhoooo, after the joys of Coolgardie, we left early and headed to Beverley, WA.
We travelled via Norseman and picked up a couple of "roo sounders!" These are little gizmos that you attached to the bumper that give off a high pitched sound, that mere humans can't hear, but is supposed to put the little blighters off and they head away from the road. (I hope!)
Coolgardie is lovely and we took a couple of snaps of the beautiful architecture of this old gold town. They have 2 licences for grog in the town - one for the pub and one for the motel. The second pub can't get a licence to serve alcohol until the town's population grows! Hmmm, that's a little bit of a conundrum...
Also, the amount of trucks that come through Coolgardie in the night is extraordinary. The new Caltex servo is getting quite a bit of business, but the layout does not cater for caravans and glider trailers. They have the bowsers facing into the shop! Great if you only have a car, absolutely no good with a long load. The truck area is only diesel, so we mere mortals that use petroleum are stumped. I managed to use the end bowser, but it was tricky to manoeuvre to make sure I didn't take out the pump with the back of the trailer. Why do they lay out servos like this? Note to self, write to BP, Caltex and Shell.......
We travelled via Merredin, Bruce Rock, Quairading, (pronounced Quwhereding to those not in the me! Sounds like something from Hogwarts!) Mawson to Beverley. Just a little cross country trek - the short route.
Just ask me about Bruce Rock....and the kitty kat. This only happens to me. Why, why??!!
Get out of car for a pitstop. I hear a kitty meowing loudly, so I meow back....a few times. Next minute, le puss is running across the road to me. At this stage, methinks I have found a stray! Damn! Run into road and shoo it away. Nup, that doesn't work. Pick up puss and deposit back behind local pub. Nup, that doesn't work. Back to following me. Pick up puss and go to local food shop and ask who owns puss. Nup, they don't know. Stride back to pub and ask who owns puss. Nup, they don't know. Decide to deposit puss in the park. Can't do that as there is a motorhome there and they will think I am dumping said puss. Damn! Stride to local gardens, and put puss in gardens ....... and run with instructions to Claire to fire up the car as I leap in! Glance back and puss is looking at me as if to say....mum where are you going?! Now I feel guilty!
Head on through to Beverley and the Canola or Rapeseed crops are stunning and a relief on the eyesight from khaki salt bush.
We also passed Lake Cowan - no water, lots of mud, but very scenic!
So here we are on 31 July having arrived at Beverley in WA and dropped off the glider at Beverley Soaring Society and met up with new owner John and some of the Beverley crew.
Check out LS6 trailer. Not happy Jan. Owen did a great job in getting the new tyres sorted out that morning and arranging a suitable conversion from a Nato? 7 pin plug to a 5 pin plug. Go figure - only in WA. Federation was in 1901, but we are still using different plug fittings - well, in WA anyway!
LS6 trailer is not in the best condition. The towing assembly was in need of a good oiling and was profusely sabotaged with WD40 and will continue to be so until delivery. On the journey back to Norseman today the brake assembly that keeps the brake from bashing backward and forward into the tow ball, broke! Yep, snapped on the journey. So that will make for painful driving. Claire and I will sort this out in the morning. I am always at a loss as to why glider pilots spend literally thousands of dollars on their gliders and leave their trailers in such shit condition. Oh yes, and finally did work out how to get the tow hook off the tow ball. There is a knack! Albeit discovered whilst learning a new vocabulary!
Moving on back to the evening of 31st July. Had a great dinner at the Beverley Hotel where Claire and I stayed. Such a grand ol' dame. Needs a little (lot) of love, but great atmosphere, very clean and pub owner very accommodating. The meal in the evening was absolutely delicious.....and the double choc die for!
We had an early brekkie this morning and headed off. All good we think. Cruising along to Merredin when we get a phone call from John who is missing a box of goodies. Shite! And double shite!
We have pulled up outside the Carradin Hotel/Motel/Caravan Park and we discuss the best options. Claire and I were ready to turn around, but the guys from Beverley suggested to leave the box at the Hotel and John would scoot down and pick it up. Very important yellow box. Has all the manuals, batteries and chargers for the glider! Double shite! People at the Hotel very accommodating and we left with them for John to pick up. As it took us 2 hours to get there at 110 kms, we expected John would make it in 1.5 hours. This was at 1030 hours. We arrived into Coolgardie at 1300 hours. I had not heard from John and had left a text and phone message to see if all was well. Starting to have a mildly anxious panic attack that said yellow box had gone missing and was prepared to curl up in the foetal position and fade into oblivion, I called again and John had just arrived at Carradin and taken possession of "the box". We checked that everything was there and all was good, before we headed on and John made tracks to Perth. Many apologies were expressed on my behalf. In the dither of getting everything out of the car, then repacking with the LS6 gear and then fiddling with the LS6 shitty trailer, the yellow box was buried under a mound of stuff still in my car. Very distressing. :-(
We chugged on through and whilst in mobile range decided to book a room at Norseman for the night. No late night arrivals and just scooting in at dark anymore. The time difference is now against us and we will have to be careful of when we arrive as the time change will catch us out. So called the Gateway Caravan Park to book a cabin. Phone was answered by "hello?" I asked if this was the Gateway and the reply was, "oh yes, Gateway Caravan Park!" Alarm bell number 1. Said name and what room was required and details of trailer so that it could be stored away. Yes. All good - hesitantly. Alarm bell number 2. Chugging down the road about 10 minutes and receive a call - just in mobile range - that "no sorry, we don't have a room. I have just checked spreadsheet number 2 and all rooms are booked!" Grrr. Head back to Coolgardie to get internet reception, other
Had a lovely dinner with another couple travelling across the Nullabor and we will probably wave as we pass them tomorrow.....yes, grey nomads doing the prerequisite 95 kms, holding up the traffic. I have now found out saves on fuel! OMG....OMG!!!
So there we are.....on the road again and heading home. Already booked into Madura Roadhouse and then we will start the trek to Ceduna. One good thing, the trailer is lighter than the Nimbus, so we travel better on the road.